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2 min read

Easy Beginnings

I downloaded a front end Tip calculator challenge file to recreate its design and functionality, on a first glance I knew I could achieved the mobile design design and web design seemed easily. I immediately grabbed my notepad and sketched out the html and css opened my laptop and began to code and within some hours I was done with the mobile design. Started the web design and then struggle began centering the main elements and changing the direction flow seems not to work. I decided to work using chrome developer tools to see the changes as I made so I change the body display value to grid , justify content center and that did the trick of positioning the wrapper to the center. I adjusted some elements to fit the web design.

Web functionality

I open my JavaScript file and I went didn’t know where to start from, I knew I was supposed to get inputs values and buttons value, use the values for some arithmetic operations but I couldn’t … So I closed my vs code and search for other developers solutions look through the logic called it a day

sometimes I doubt myself when I start code challenge, too scared not to finish🤣🤣

Woke up in the morning and had enough clarity on how to tackle the functionality of the tip calculator.

sometimes taking break and doing some research is all that is needed

You can view the challenge in the following links:

live site

Don’t know if my writing is okay 😅😅 pen down for now…